Keren Cytter

Keren Cytter is an internationally celebrated Israeli visual artist & writer, living & working in Berlin & NYC. Perhaps best known for her performance & video work, she also makes photographs & beautiful, surreal drawings, from wherever she is in the world.

Star Kitty 1 $6
Star Kitty 2 $6
My Name Is Keren Cytter $6

About Keren Cytter

Her work has been exhibited at many notable venues including a solo show at the MCA Chicago, 2015; she also received a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2021; and her work may be seen regularly at Gallery Nagel Draxler, Berlin and at Pilar Corrias, London. The stickers we made together largely come from a 2021 exhibition, Leftovers, in Berlin. If you missed it, make sure to experience it in sticker form!